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How Should The Stains On The ABS Plastic Locker Be Removed?

Mar 09, 2021

In daily life, the locker is easily contaminated by stains, and even a fingerprint can overshadow the bright surface of the locker. Therefore, cleaning the locker and removing stains has become a headache for many housewives because of the use of water washing. Will shorten the service life of the locker to a certain extent. So, is there a cleaning method that can quickly remove stains without damaging the locker? In fact, fish and bear paws can sometimes have both, and the inspiration comes from our side.

1. Milk bath. In modern families, milk is a necessity in daily life. When cleaning the locker, you can use a piece of cloth to soak it in the milk (expired milk is fine, but don’t spoil) for ten to fifteen minutes, and then take it out to the surface of the locker Carry out scrubbing, then scrub it with clean water, and finally wipe it with a dry cloth. You will find that the surface of the locker will become very shiny.

2. Soap bath. Wipe the locker with a clean cloth dipped in warm soapy water, and then dry it with a dry cloth. After the surface of the locker is completely dry, wax with furniture wax. You will find that such a locker is very clean Bright, and it is not easy to get stains in the future use process.

3. Brush your teeth frequently. As we all know, brushing regularly every day can help whiten teeth, and toothpaste can also help white paint from yellow to white. Apply toothpaste on the yellowed white paint surface, wipe it lightly with a sponge, and then scrub it with clean water. You will find that the yellowed locker is as white as before.

4. Drink white vinegar. When the locker is made of mahogany material, or the paint surface is contaminated by ink water, it will often cause headaches for everyone and it is difficult to clean. At this time, use a one-to-one mixture of white vinegar and hot water, and then use a soft cloth or sponge dipped in the solution to wipe vigorously. You will be pleasantly surprised to find that the ink stains are easily removed.

5. Drunk and love beer. In modern household lockers, oak wood is often used as a raw material. There is a special way to deal with this material of lockers, which is to drink beer. Add a certain amount of sugar and beeswax to the boiled beer and mix it. After it is completely cooled, wipe it with a soft cloth or sponge, and then wipe it with a dry cloth. The oak locker is just as simple as that.

There are various materials for the locker in life, and the paint and color on the surface are also different. There are actually many tips on how to clean and maintain the locker correctly and effectively. And these life tips are hidden by our side. All cleaning coups come from daily life. As long as we are good at discovering and looking for patterns, we can easily clean the locker.

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