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What Factors Affect The Price Of Plastic Lockers

Mar 05, 2021

One: sheet factors

Sheets are divided into new raw materials, secondary raw materials and recycled plastics. The surface produced by the new raw materials is smooth and flat, with high hardness. The secondary raw materials and recycled plastic have uneven surfaces and poor toughness. Depending on the place of origin, the quality and price will vary. Imported brand-new raw materials are of better quality and relatively high prices. The board cabinets produced by the domestic manufacturer Yi Ange are superior in quality and relatively low in price.

Two: production process factors

The surface of the plastic locker does not need to be treated, and the toner color production from the raw materials does not decolor, deform, and rust. Manual processing is to manually wipe the product with a rag, and there will be no rust, paint peeling, deformation, rot and other undesirable phenomena in the future. The single door price of such a plastic locker can easily be more than two to three hundred.

Three: Surface spraying factors

The surface spraying can be divided into spray paint, baking varnish and plastic spraying. Among them, the plastic locker and student bookcase cabinet of Yi Ange do not need to be sprayed. The spray paint and baking varnish products will emit a great paint smell, which will produce a lot of paint on the human body. Huge damage. Yiange products are green and environmentally friendly products, odorless, non-toxic, good quality, moderately priced, and cost-effective.

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