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How To Use The Locker To Save More Limited Space

Mar 18, 2021

The space of a room is limited, and the space of a locker is also limited, but how to use the locker can save more space in the limited space, and reflect the cleanliness of a home, and create a perfect small for yourself Home. In fact, it is not as difficult as everyone thinks to solve this problem. We can look at this problem from two aspects. The first is how to place the locker to make the room more spacious, and the second is how to make full use of the locker. Only enough space can put more clothes.

First of all, let's look at the first question, how to place the locker can make the room more spacious. When choosing the shape of the locker, it is best not to choose special shapes such as round, diamond, etc. Generally, I think rectangular is the best, because such a shape of the locker can directly lean against a wall, not only It will take up extra space, and the office furniture in the room looks very neat. On the contrary, if you choose the special shape of the locker, you will find that no matter where it is placed in the whole room, you will feel in the way, which is very uncomfortable. Therefore, it is recommended that you choose a rectangular locker and place it against a wall, so that the space of the room can be visually more spacious, and it also looks more majestic.

Next, let’s look at the second question, how to make full use of the locker space to put more clothes. I think that when using the locker, you must fold up all the clothes. Don't always throw them directly into the locker. You will find that it is not only messy, but also takes up a lot of space. If it is folded, place it one by one, it will be more regular, and it will feel tidy visually. Don't choose a locker that is very complicated in structure. It is best to simply hang clothes directly on the clothes rack. This will also look neater and cleaner. This is the full use of space.

Of course, personal living habits are the most important. Good living habits will also make you look at your locker very neat and clean. Take care of your own locker frequently and keep the inside not messy, so the effect will be even better. ideal.

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